It jams occasionally while using it, I couldn't understand it.
I bought it for my 3 year old son. At first he was scared of the sound. Then he got used to it. I recommend it for children who don't like brushing.
My son liked it very much and it is easy to use. I recommend it. My son is 3 and a half years old and can use it himself.
Ideal for children. But is it really necessary?? No
Great product, I bought it for my daughter and she was interested.
a successful product, its charge lasts for a long time, it is a durable material
The product is nice but the charger was broken. Fortunately my oven is compatible.
Çok gÃ1⁄4zel yeÄŸenime aldım çok beÄŸendi
It was very successful and I bought it.
My daughter is very happy
It is nice except for the shipping packaging, but there is no charge indicator, you do not know the fullness, current comment ... My child seems to pause while brushing his teeth I do not understand why he does this
Very beautiful, my daughter loved it very much. It is very useful as it is rechargeable.
The house is decorated with flowers
My daughter loved it, it is a useful product
It works weirdly, I don't want to deal with the service so I make do.
Very nice, I am still using it and I have not seen any problems for 3 months.
My grandson liked it very much. Cleaning the outside became more enjoyable and encouraging. Thank you.
Oral b quality is indisputable ðŸ' 🠻
I bought Mickey Mouse but I got Batman. I am not sending it back because I do not want to deal with returns, but you should be careful. I do not know if there is a price difference, but my mood is spoiled.
We bought it for my 5 year old daughter, her brushing time really increased when we used it with the application, and now it brushes every corner of her mouth. It was very practical for us to use.
Thank you for the fast delivery, the product arrived without any problems, my daughter liked it very much
Oral-b quality is indisputable. Very cute
I bought it for my son. It is a nicely packaged and beautiful product. My son enjoys using it.
Fast shipping and nice product. I bought it after reading the comments. I hope it will be useful.